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A Few of My Favorite Things in 2019

One of my favorite views of the year, which is why it’s on here a bunch! Portuguese Bend Reserve in Palos Verdes, CA.

And you get a trip around the world! And you get a trip around the world! And you get a trip around the world! Okay, not really, but I’m imagining what will happen when I have Oprah-like status. In the meantime, if you haven’t finished your holiday shopping or are looking for some things to entertain you over winter break or in 2020 here are my 2019 recs:

Book(s): I finally got to “Becoming,” Michelle Obama’s memoir, which I listened to audiobook style. I loved it so much I found myself wanting to be in traffic longer to finish it. Yes, hell froze over.

I heard someone say they thought her reading dulled it down, but I thought it brought more of who she is to light. Of course, I don’t actually know her, but think I’m pretty good at accurately assessing character from whatever clues I can get (I mean, this is what I do for a living!). What I got from her voice and the book is that she’s a down to earth person who came from a simple, working class background, overcame many odds stacked against her, and became successful in her own way, both personally and professionally, by following her heart. She presents as thoughtful, intentional, and truly caring about the world and everyone/everything in it. She also presents her family in the same way and regardless of anyone’s political beliefs, those are my type of folks and the people I think best fit to serve others. I cried twice while reading it and left feeling incredibly inspired.

But my absolute favorite book of the year and my life has been “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Alan Singer. I also listened to this on audiobook (I do still prefer a good ol’ fashioned paper pages between my hands, but these days there’s a lot more time to listen to books.) and immediately upon finishing it listened to it again. I’ve never done that with a book before. Then, I bought hard copies for a bunch of loved ones and read it again. I don’t know what I can say about it other than it changed my life. It put into perspective our place in this world and was a great reminder not to take this life so seriously. There’s much more to it and I imagine I’ll read it many more times in my lifetime. And I encourage everyone else to do the same. 

Movie: Hmmm… I did just finish a bit of a cheesy made for tv or streaming Christmas movie marathon, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend any of them for all to consume. Honestly, I’ve really neglected movie watching this year. I think the only movie anyone’s talked about as being good this year that I’ve seen was Jordan Peele’s “Us,” which I did enjoy as I’m a big scary movie fan and also appreciate clever social commentary, so I suppose I’d recommend that. I guess I need to get to some movie watching this winter break so I’m ready for the Oscars.

TV Show: This year, I rewatched my absolute favorite tv show of all time “Parks and Recreation,” as I’ve mentioned several times already on here. But I just can’t get enough! It was just as great and maybe even greater the second time around. I caught more bits and pieces I missed watching the first time. It’s still relevant, the character development is unparalleled, and as any quality critic would say, it’s just the best. If you don’t love it, I don’t like you. And aside from that another all time fav that’s still being made and is pretty spectacular is “Bob’s Burgers.” Just do it!

Song(s): “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo. Now that I’m done with “Becoming,” it’s my stuck in traffic anthem. And causes a dance party anytime it comes on. There’s also been a lot of jazz this year. I’m not sure I like all of it, but when you find a gem it can be a soundtrack to life. Also, everything contained below in my favorite album of the year.

Album: Raphael Saadiq’s “Jimmy Lee” is beyond words. He’s always been one of my favorite musicians due to an authenticity that always seeps through. Yet, this album, his first studio release in 8 years, so absolutely permeates your soul with a raw expression that’s rare. I can’t imagine it was easy for him to explore many of the topics or find the right words and music to bring them to life, but his willingness to try inspires me in a way that few do. 

Podcast: One of my favorite things of last year, I’ve continued to devour podcasts in an attempt to become a more well rounded person while stuck doing things I don’t enjoy doing. My absolute favorite is “On Being” with Krista Tippett. She is a master of thoughtfully and nonjudgmentally conversating with all individuals on a variety of thought provoking topics. It will change your life.

Thing: I’m not a huge “things” person. I prefer to not have a lot of stuff. It’s easier for my mind and a lot less cleaning! I’m also much more of an experience person. But of course, like anyone else I do buy things I need or to give to others. I just try to be very mindful about it and only purchase things that spark joy (Thank you Marie Kondo for that phrase!). I’ve always done the bulk of my shopping at second hand stores and try to frequent local small businesses whenever possible. And this year my new thing was to skip right over Amazon when I ordered something online. Going straight to the source brought me a lot more joy. Even if it costs a bit more (And it’s never cost me more than a bit more.), I prefer to more directly support those who are working really hard so they can reap more of the benefits. As a small business owner whose career (and life) is based around supporting dreams, I have to walk the walk. 

I realize that’s more of a how to buy things recommendation, but one thing I would recommend, that I’ve had for years, but really got into this year is a one sentence journal. I have Gretchen Rubin’s “The Happiness Project” version, which unfortunately, just links you to Amazon and Barnes & Noble. But there are many others out there. And you could create your own. All it involves is writing one sentence about your day every day year after year. It’s really fun to look back on the years past to see what you were up to that day. I always try to make it a moment I was grateful for that day and it always make me smile to see what wonderful moments I’ve had in my life. Even during the tougher times. 

It truly is always the small things.

Moment: I can’t think of one favorite moment that stood out this year. I’d say overall I’ve begun to master the art of appreciating the magic of ordinary moments (It’s only taken years of practice!). Playing with “ooh oohs (aka monkeys)” with my niece, baking, standing on top of a mountain looking down into a valley, running a race with a bunch of friends, dinner parties, dance parties, reading a good book in a soft robe, cuddling with my dog and bf, sitting on a board in the ocean, deep conversations, hugs, my feet bare upon the earth, sitting around a fire, sitting in a bubble bath, I could go on and on. I’ve had a lot of precious moments this year. 

And if none of these recommedations float your boat, I’m still pretty into what I was into last year so check out last year’s favorites for more fun. Also, if none of these are your cup of tea, you do you. There’s more good stuff out there than I could ever write about.

P.S., I get nothing for recommending these. I just truly, truly love them!