Nature: My favorite free indulgence.
I recently rewatched the entirety of the absolute greatest television show ever created, Parks and Rec, while completing every boring task known to mankind, and now that I’m done with both tasks and tv show, am not quite sure what to do with myself. My life feels empty. Once again. I’ve gone through this before. When Parks and Rec ended the first time.
In contemplating this dilemma, I thought about Donna and Tom’s once a year Treat Yo’ Self day, a day where you indulge in whatever you desire for that day. I decided I needed to treat myself. The inner child who grew up with no money became very nervous at the thought of spending a ton of money on myself for no good reason (Okay, I have some money issues I’m still working through.). Also, I’m not really a stuff person anyway regardless of the money issues.
So I started thinking about how to treat myself without spending as much money. Then I started thinking about how some people literally have zero extra dollars to spend on anything other than the necessities so how can they treat themselves for free. And even if we have that extra money, spending it doesn’t always equal true indulgence. I won’t bore you with the entire thought process, but eventually I got to the place where I started thinking about how we can treat yo’ selves whether we have money or not.
Get Outside
Might as well start with this go to. So far free nature still exists so enjoy the heck out of it. There’s nothing more beautiful than the great outdoors. Whether it’s your backyard, a neighborhood park, a city, state or national park, community garden, church courtyard, there are free green spaces everywhere. A walk around the block doesn’t cost you a dang thing and can be a luxury if you don’t get out much.
Smell Flowers
May or may not have “collected” some pretty plants here.
Stop and smell those roses as you get outside. No matter where you live and the time of year, if you leave your home you probably pass by some flowers. They might be in a shop, but they’re there. You don’t have to have or buy your own. Smell other people’s. Maybe pick a couple too if they won’t miss them. But if you get arrested, I didn’t tell you to do that.
The bf and I have this thing (That admitting hopefully won’t get us arrested.) where we collect (That sounds so much better than stealing.) small bits of other people’s succulents. Before you gasp in astonishment over our daring law breaking behavior, know that succulents propagate (grow) quickly so there’s no harm, no foul to doing this. Also, we usually find them laying on the ground, having fallen from their mother plant. And you can always ask friends and family for cuttings from theirs. Never pay for succulents. They grow too quickly and easily. No one will miss a cutting. And they’re very hard to kill so great for the self-esteem.
Also, fruit hanging out onto sidewalks are free game. Pick and eat away! And many people will give you their fruit if they have tons and you ask.
Swim in Some Free Water
Or sit in it if you don’t swim. There are oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds. Sneak into a hotel pool. Again, if you get arrested, that’s on you. The negative ions of water are also healing, which is why most of us enjoy being in it.
Go to the Bathroom
I know this doesn’t quite fit with the previous ideas. And is possibly inappropriate. But as I was contemplating free ways to treat yo’ self yesterday, I met with 12 clients in a row. There’s supposed to be a little bit of time in between each client for things such as going to the bathroom. But sometimes I’m not always so great at cutting people off. And to complicate the issue, I have bladder control like Stephen Curry has ball control. Not as valuable unfortunately, but equally impressive. I’ve only gone to the bathroom once on an airplane and that was mostly to see what the inside of one looked like. I know that technically isn’t the healthiest and I’m not advocating ANYONE follow my lead, but so far so good. Now you have too much information about me and all you really needed to know was that today, I decided to take a different approach. When I had to use the bathroom, I thought to myself, “Sure, your super human power is that you can hold it until you leave, but why should you? Take the dang time to go to the bathroom and feel as comfortable as possible.”
This can also be extended to other ways in which we don’t set boundaries or take the time to tend to our basic needs. Eat your lunch and other meals. Take breaks. Drink water. Breathe deeply. All free. If the thought of treating yo’ self is overwhelming or you experience crippling “I don’t deserve good things” start here. All are necessary, not only for our health, but for survival.
Costco: Home of the most famous free samples.
Free Samples
Food. Lotion. Makeup. Whatever else people give away for free. At farmer’s markets. The mall. Costco (I’ve never had to show my membership just to walk in so…). Hey, they’re offering. Take it. And just say no when they want to sell you larger quantities. Also, great practice for those of you who have trouble saying no.
Hug It Out
Ask a loved one for a hug. Or a total stranger. Your choice. No promises. But hugs are free. And they feel good. Unless you’re not a hugger. In which case we could analyze you all day. We all need touch to survive. Scientific fact!
Pet an Animal
If hugs or people are your thing maybe pet an animal instead. Preferably one that won’t bite your head off. Perhaps a cute dog or cat. It feels just as good as a hug.
Take a Nap
I suck at this, but for those of you who feel refreshed after some extra zzzs, go get it.
OBA library of Amsterdam: I’m totally that geek that loves to visit libraries when I travel. The travel might not be completely free, but the libraries always are!
Go to the Library
Your local library has all kinds of free entertainment. Books are my personal fav. But they also have magazines, movies, tv shows, the internet, classes, and probably other stuff depending on your library. Sometimes the buildings are a cool architectural design too. All you need is to register for a card and I don’t know anyone who’s been denied one. And many have an online borrowing system for ebooks and audiobooks so you don’t even have to leave your home if that’s just too much.
These are only a small sample of all the simple, easy, and free things we can do to splurge in life. Get creative. Google free things to do in your area (Perhaps at the library if you don’t have Internet at home.) Treating yo’ selves is important because it’s recognizing that the world is full of amazing experiences and we’re all special and deserve pretty things. This very moment I’m petting my dog and gazing out my window at some plants and sun as I write these last sentences. Multi-tasking to the nth degree. So now the rest of ya, get on out there and treat yo’ self!