This past Wednesday, November 13th was World Kindness Day. According to Wikipedia, it was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations' kindness NGOs. The Wikipedia page is short and it doesn’t seem like many countries officially observe it, but everyone should because kindness is something we could all use a bit more of.
I love performing random acts of kindness. Especially when I’m in an Ebenezer Scrooge mood (If I can remember to do it.). There’s nothing like making a person smile to warm your heart. And remind you that everything isn’t all about you. And to be a little less of an a-hole.
Something else I love is catching others’ random acts of kindness. Whether done for me or someone else. Sometimes the world can seem like a cruel, cold place. When I see people looking out for their fellow human beings it renews my faith in us all.
So to inspire us all, here’s a list of some of my favorite random acts of kindness:
You see something you like, let people know. We all need a little validation here and there. This is my favorite. Probably because I can’t help but tell people what I like so it usually just pops out of my mouth without thinking. It usually goes over well.
Give someone flowers like this robot.
Leave Anonymous Gifts for People
Whether you know them or not. In college, when my friends and I would get bored, we’d go around leaving random, sometimes inappropriate, gift baskets on other friends’ porches. We all got a big kick out of this.
Ask to Help with Tasks
Especially if you see someone struggling. This might include the stereotypical helping a person to cross the street, carrying someone’s groceries And if someone says no let it be. Sometimes people don’t want help and that’s okay too. Simply offering is an act of kindness.
Pay it Forward
Literally. Spend some money on some people. Pay the toll at a tollbooth for the person behind you. Leave quarters at a laundromat. Put some change in a meter. Send a drink over to that cute so-and-so at the bar. It doesn’t have to be much. And who knows whose day-or acquaintance-you’ll make.
To causes you’re passionate about. Go-fund-mes you believe in. Even if you don’t have extra cash, odds are in this society, you have something you don’t need that someone else does. Clothing, toys, books. And time, your time is a big deal.
Be Polite
Sometimes just having some manners is an act of kindness. Say your pleases and thank yous. Smile. Open and hold doors. Say hi and make eye contact. You don’t have to get crazy.
Send Thank You Notes
Or other written correspondence that has to go through the United States Post Office. We don’t get enough fun mail. And there’s something so touching about a handwritten note in this electronic age. Postcards count too.
Frog rescue!
Rescue Random Puppies
Or cats. Squirrels. Dolphins. Bengal tigers. Many living creatures could use our kindness. Just be mindful as to whether or not they should live in your home or a zoo. And adopt a child if you want to go real big.
Clean Something
In your home. On your earth. Wash those dishes. Pick up some trash. Even if it’s not yours. A clutter free environment benefits us all.
Give Free Hugs
I don’t know if this movement is still going, but the free huggers used to be everywhere. And we all need touch to survive. If you aren’t comfortable touching strangers, I’m sure you have plenty of loved ones who could use a hug too.
Be a Courteous Driver
Slow down in neighborhoods. And probably everywhere else too. Look all around you before turning or changing lanes. And for goodness sake, allow cars to merge or get over into a lane!
There are a million ways to share kindness with those around us. The trick is to be present and aware enough that you can anticipate needs and provide it if you’re able to. All else fails, ask what someone needs. And free and simple are often the best ways to be kind.