Sometimes it’s really hard to be kind to ourselves or others. Maybe we’re judging ourselves or judging others. Maybe we’ve hurt ourselves, maybe others have hurt us, maybe we’ve hurt others. Maybe we’re having trouble forgiving ourselves or someone else. Whatever it is, love is not what we’re feeling. And even when we think we’re justified in those feelings, there’s still a part of us that knows we’re only hurting ourselves by holding onto such negative energy. We know it isn’t aligned with our true selves and we want to stop feeling so “bad.”
On Kindness
This past Wednesday, November 13th was World Kindness Day. According to Wikipedia, it was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations' kindness NGOs. The Wikipedia page is short and it doesn’t seem like many countries officially observe it, but everyone should because kindness is something we could all use a bit more of.