letting go

On the Minimalism of People (AKA The Minimalism Series Part 2)

I’ve always been a people person. Even though I certainly have my introverted side too. I just love human beings in all their glory, hilarity, and messiness. I find people absolutely fascinating, which is important since boring is my kryptonite, and I can generally find something to like about everyone. If I don’t like you, then you started it. And you know who you are!

Mindful Monday: Letting Go

At one point in my life, when I was much less mindful, I googled the phrase “how to let go.” It was a lifetime ago, so I don’t remember what I was struggling to let go, but if I was asking google, I must have been struggling.

The google search didn’t turn up much that was useful.

That’s because, as I learned in the years since, there isn’t a set algorithm to letting go.