Mindfulness is the path to true peace and happiness.
Now you’re at the part of your mindfulness journey where you get that it means being fully in the present moment (If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, check out this article out first before continuing.). But now you might be wondering, well, that sounds all fine and dandy, but why spend the time trying to do that?
What’s in it for me?!
Because I don’t know that I want to be present in my life. It sucks. Or it’s really hard. My life is nothing like what I thought it would be like. I’m not where I’m supposed to be. It’s so unfair. Things will be much better when I get more money, a house, a significant other, leave my significant other, have a baby, when the kids move out, when I go on my worldwide adventure, when I win that award… Once all that happens, then I can be mindful.
The problem with that kind of thinking is we get these things and we’re no more happier, satisfied, or fulfilled. Because then we’re just thinking about the next thing we want. Or we don’t get them and we spend our time bummed out that things didn’t work out according to plan (COVID-19 anyone?).
In other words, there’s never a better time to be mindful other than the present moment.
Mindfulness leads to increased creativity and a greater mental capacity.
At risk of sounding like some cheesy and horribly written greeting card, the present moment is truly all we ever have. The past and present don’t exist, except in our minds. So if you can actually be aware in the present moment and experience and accept it as it is without judgment, I swear to you, you will experience the following:
Less stress.
Less anxiety.
A greater capacity to deal with the crappy stuff.
More confidence.
Better concentration and focus.
You’ll have an easier time making decisions and trusting yourself.
A better memory.
Increased creativity and productivity.
Less pain, both physical and emotional.
A higher quality of sleep.
You’ll lose weight.
Mindfulness creates a healthier lifestyle overall.
Have lower blood pressure.
Have less gastrointestinal problems.
Create a healthier immune system.
Reduces and eliminates the need for substance abuse, eating disorders, and other control-related issues.
Deepens your relationships and connections with others.
Improves your mood.
AND gets you more money and better sex!
I mean, no guarantees on the last two, but why not, right?! Mindfulness seems to improve every area of life. By being mindful on a regular basis, you will have a greater sense of well-being, feel happier, and be more satisfied. No matter what is going on in your life!