mental health

Move Slow and Build Things: The Power of Mindfulness in a Fast-Paced World

I’ve always been a speed racer. I’m not talking about NASCAR. (Although, I’ll admit sometimes I pretend to be a race car driver on the open freeway!) I’m talking about everyday life—rushing to get through tasks as quickly as possible, eager to move on to the next thing.

The Healing Power of Nature: How Ecotherapy Can Improve Mental Health and Well-being

What I instinctively knew—something we all feel in our hearts—was later confirmed by science: nature heals. The fresh air, sunshine, and greenery of natural spaces are scientifically proven to reduce stress, increase happiness, and improve overall mental and physical well-being.

Gratitude in Times of Struggle: A Thanksgiving Reflection

And if all else fails, nature is always there to remind me of life’s beauty. The trees, flowers, oceans, mountains, and quiet moments in nature all fill me with a deep sense of peace. I’ve become particularly to birds’ songs, reminding me that as long as they are singing, we’re okay in this moment.

Feelings vs Emotions: What's the Difference?

A big misconception we all have is that feelings are emotions and emotions are feelings. Even after years of talking about them, I still use them interchangeably (And probably still don’t fully understand the difference.) so it’s understandable that there’s confusion.

How Mindfulness Helps

Now you’re at the part of your mindfulness journey where you get that it means being fully in the present moment (If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, check this article out first before continuing.). But now you might be wondering, well, that sounds all fine and dandy, but why spend the time trying to do that?

On World Mental Health Day: A Few Favorite Mental Health Hacks

October 10th is World Mental Health Day as observed by the World Health Organization (WHO). I think we could all use some help with our mental health about now so here are a few of my favorite mental health tips in the style of an infographic!

On Dirty Laundry: Mental And Emotional Cleansing

So as I washed this laundry - by hand- I felt a little more free with every clean item. And with that freedom came thoughts and inspiration. I thought about how physical dirty laundry is a metaphor for mental and emotional dirty laundry. The thoughts, beliefs, emotions, regrets, resentment, fears that we carry around in the backs of our minds at all times, not dealing with them, not cleaning them out. 

On Disconnecting to Reconnect

Last weekend I went camping. Out to the middle of nowhere. Which meant no cellular service or Internet access. 

Oh it was glorious!

Now, obviously, I’m big on connection. Connection to others. Connection to our inner self. Connection to something greater. Connection is absolutely necessary for fulfillment in life. Huge fan here. 

On the Minimalism of Stuff (AKA The Minimalism Series Part 1)

Before minimalism was all the rage, I was already something of a minimalist. At least in terms of physical objects. Maybe this just comes along with growing up with very little, but possessions have never been as important to me as they are to many. I generally only buy things that bring me joy and easily let go of what no longer serves me. Marie Kondo would be so proud!

Self-Care When There's No Time to Care

I started this post a couple days ago typing it on my phone while scarfing down a breakfast burrito at 1pm in the afternoon. I had (and still have) this desire to write a brilliant blog post that will inspire Oprah to call me up and the rest will be history. Yet all I’'ve been able to think about all week is that I don't have time to eat, much less write anything of real substance.

5 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Indoors

I’m a firm believer that one of the absolute best things you can do for your health overall is to get outside. But what if you can’t get outside? Or you can’t get out there as often as you’d like? Due to an injury or illness you may be confined to bed rest. Or you work long hours indoors. What do you do then? Here are 5 ways to bring the outdoors indoors:

The Healing Power of Nature

There are many things in this world that are out of our control. Natural disasters, death, breakups, loss of a job to name some of the big ones. This can be a very difficult concept to accept and so we often fight against what is, which creates suffering.

Every Day is Earth Day

While the official celebration of Earth Day has passed really every day is Earth Day. Each day we reside on a planet that is abundant in beauty and natural resources. We have the opportunity to appreciate that, which in turn enhances our life in infinite ways. However, with that also comes the responsibility to take care of that beauty.

Spring Clean Your Life

The mini farm animals and tiny flower buds poking up through the ground this time of year serve as a reminder and motivation to engage in our own growth. One of the best ways to do this is through the ritual of spring cleaning. Here are four ways to spring clean that will enhance all areas of your life.