outdoor therapy

On Being with Butterflies (Or Ways to Live a More Magical Life)

The painted ladies have taken over Southern California! I’ve seen them flitting about, showing off their gorgeous wings all over LA. I can’t tell you how many times a day I’ve stopped whatever I’m doing to simply gaze at them and take this special experience in.

How I Spend as Much Time as Possible Outdoors

Nature is good for you. We’ve been through this before so I won’t bore you with the details. We know it’s good for us. Science has proven it’s good for us. So get your outdoors on.

But it isn’t that easy, you say. It’s cold where I live. I’m too busy with other stuff. I’m glued to my cubicle. I have kids. I hate bugs. I really hate bugs. And dirt.

Excuses. All of them. Even if you don’t identify as outdoorsy, there are still ways to get your vitamin D that are easy and enjoyable. And dirt and bug free. Mostly.

5 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Indoors

I’m a firm believer that one of the absolute best things you can do for your health overall is to get outside. But what if you can’t get outside? Or you can’t get out there as often as you’d like? Due to an injury or illness you may be confined to bed rest. Or you work long hours indoors. What do you do then? Here are 5 ways to bring the outdoors indoors: