
5 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Indoors

I’m a firm believer that one of the absolute best things you can do for your health overall is to get outside. But what if you can’t get outside? Or you can’t get out there as often as you’d like? Due to an injury or illness you may be confined to bed rest. Or you work long hours indoors. What do you do then? Here are 5 ways to bring the outdoors indoors:

The Healing Power of Nature

There are many things in this world that are out of our control. Natural disasters, death, breakups, loss of a job to name some of the big ones. This can be a very difficult concept to accept and so we often fight against what is, which creates suffering.

6 Ways to Use Mother Nature to Create Inner Peace

This morning I climbed to what seemed to be the top of the city of Los Angeles. I do this many mornings. Or other times of day or night depending on my schedule. But today I did it with the intention to celebrate the International Day of Peace by creating some inner peace within myself.

How to Increase Creativity

Good ol’ writer’s block. This is something we all get even if we aren’t actually writers. So perhaps “creativity block” is a more accurate term. Even if your profession or hobbies don’t involve an actual art form, creativity is still an important skill to use in every area of your life.

Why Everyone Should Run a Marathon

I'm in the middle of training for my first marathon in many years, following a pretty gnarly knee surgery a little over a year ago. As I train I’m reminded again of why I fell in love with this challenge in the first place and why I believe everyone should run at least one in their lifetime.

How to Actually Help

Most people are deep down genuinely good human beings, who at the very least want to be there to help their loved ones when they’re most in need. Done in the right manner this is a noble effort and something that is helpful in maintaining healthy relationships. The problem is many of you aren’t helping in a way that’s well received.