
Spring Clean Your Life

The mini farm animals and tiny flower buds poking up through the ground this time of year serve as a reminder and motivation to engage in our own growth. One of the best ways to do this is through the ritual of spring cleaning. Here are four ways to spring clean that will enhance all areas of your life. 

Why Everyone Should Run a Marathon

I'm in the middle of training for my first marathon in many years, following a pretty gnarly knee surgery a little over a year ago. As I train I’m reminded again of why I fell in love with this challenge in the first place and why I believe everyone should run at least one in their lifetime.

I Don't Need Therapy!

The word “therapy” can bring up all kinds of negative connotations. It’s notorious for conjuring horror movie-like images of people lying on couches talking about all the ways in which their family effed them up while self-absorbed therapists nod silently, and after years of this eventually tell what’s wrong with them. While these stereotypes are of course rooted in some tiny truth, the majority of therapists do not operate in this manner and most people could actually benefit from a bit of good, solid therapy at some point in their lives.