
On Fun Things to Do When Stuck at Home

Fun things to do while sheltering in place and social distancing during this coronavirus crisis.

Creative Inspiration: Blackout Poetry

Sometimes it’s hard to come up with the words. You know they’re in there. Just waiting to escape. You can feel it in the form of this anxiety. A volcano with lava waiting to explode.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (The Importance of Self-Reflection)

Self-reflection is important and I’ve been reflecting a lot more than usual lately. Some of it is due to my recent birthday and the inevitable reflection that accompanies each trip around the sun. It wasn’t a milestone birthday but it is an age that at one point seemed REALLY far off.

How to Increase Creativity

Good ol’ writer’s block. This is something we all get even if we aren’t actually writers. So perhaps “creativity block” is a more accurate term. Even if your profession or hobbies don’t involve an actual art form, creativity is still an important skill to use in every area of your life.