creative activities

On Fun Things to Do When Stuck at Home

Fun things to do while sheltering in place and social distancing during this coronavirus crisis.

On How to Halloween Harder: An Ode to Halloweens Past

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays ever (Tied with or just behind Thanksgiving. I can never decide.). The opportunity to be someone or something else, spiking that adrenaline with a little (or big) scare, and candy. Lots of candy. Also, it usually doesn’t come with the same loaded issues other holidays bring up. It’s just plain fun.

Creative Inspiration: Blackout Poetry

Sometimes it’s hard to come up with the words. You know they’re in there. Just waiting to escape. You can feel it in the form of this anxiety. A volcano with lava waiting to explode.

Creative Activity: Exquisite Corpse Drawing

I frequently receive requests for ideas for creative activities either for individuals or groups to do so I thought I’d attempt to post one creative activity I use with clients (and myself!) once a week to inspire the rest of you to get out and create.