
New Year's Resolutions: Mindful Habits for Long-Term Success in 2025

All right, folks, it’s that time of year! The end of the current year, where we either celebrate with fancy outfits and cocktails or cozy up on the couch in pajamas. It’s the time when we enthusiastically prepare to set New Year’s resolutions, eager to start fresh.

Mindful Gift Giving: How to Make the Holidays More Fulfilling

Giving is a funny thing. On one hand, it's a highly prosocial behavior that brings both the receiver and the giver the warm fuzzies. Biologically speaking, these feelings are designed to help us form deeper connections and strengthen bonds within our communities.

On How to Halloween Harder: An Ode to Halloweens Past

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays ever (Tied with or just behind Thanksgiving. I can never decide.). The opportunity to be someone or something else, spiking that adrenaline with a little (or big) scare, and candy. Lots of candy. Also, it usually doesn’t come with the same loaded issues other holidays bring up. It’s just plain fun.