
Gratitude in Times of Struggle: A Thanksgiving Reflection

And if all else fails, nature is always there to remind me of life’s beauty. The trees, flowers, oceans, mountains, and quiet moments in nature all fill me with a deep sense of peace. I’ve become particularly to birds’ songs, reminding me that as long as they are singing, we’re okay in this moment.

On Hygge: The Winter 2019 Edition

I know it’s technically still autumn and here on the southern California coast, autumn is about as winter as we get, but I can’t help myself. I’ve been winter hyggeing hard since Thanksgiving. I’m also one of those people who refuses to recognize the winter holidays until the day after Thanksgiving (No hating on those who jump right in after Halloween. Whatever makes you happy.) so once that day hits I get my holiday on. And this year I’ve really upped my winter and holiday enjoyment. It’s been one heck of a year and I’m desperately needing the self-care. So here’s what I’ve been up to in hopes it inspires some cozy and joyous good times for you as well.

How to Increase Creativity

Good ol’ writer’s block. This is something we all get even if we aren’t actually writers. So perhaps “creativity block” is a more accurate term. Even if your profession or hobbies don’t involve an actual art form, creativity is still an important skill to use in every area of your life.