Life seems particularly extra these days. Between climate change impacts, social upheaval, and political tensions, the problems often feel overwhelming. The struggles of hopelessness, helplessness, and anxiety about the future is real. Sometimes, the urge to curl up in a ball and wait for someone else to fix everything seems like a legit course of action.
Move Slow and Build Things: The Power of Mindfulness in a Fast-Paced World
Gratitude in Times of Struggle: A Thanksgiving Reflection
And if all else fails, nature is always there to remind me of life’s beauty. The trees, flowers, oceans, mountains, and quiet moments in nature all fill me with a deep sense of peace. I’ve become particularly to birds’ songs, reminding me that as long as they are singing, we’re okay in this moment.
How to Be Mindful When Being Interrupted (by Construction)
On Gratitude During Tough Times (Aka Coronavirus Thoughts)
On Hygge: The Winter 2019 Edition
I know it’s technically still autumn and here on the southern California coast, autumn is about as winter as we get, but I can’t help myself. I’ve been winter hyggeing hard since Thanksgiving. I’m also one of those people who refuses to recognize the winter holidays until the day after Thanksgiving (No hating on those who jump right in after Halloween. Whatever makes you happy.) so once that day hits I get my holiday on. And this year I’ve really upped my winter and holiday enjoyment. It’s been one heck of a year and I’m desperately needing the self-care. So here’s what I’ve been up to in hopes it inspires some cozy and joyous good times for you as well.
Mindful Monday: Gratitude Walks
A “gratitude walk” (or run, bike ride, drive, whatever) is like mindful walking, but takes it up a notch. It’s setting the intention to notice things in the moment that you like and appreciate around you as you move.
On Creating Your Own Magic
Sometimes, okay, often, I can get caught up in the day-to-day obligations or wish that things were different. Easier, more exciting, more abundant, more magical. Lately, the desire for magic has had a starring role in my thoughts. The wanting to experience that feeling of seeing a firefly soar around the night sky for the first time as a child over and over and over.
Mindful Monday: Cultivating Gratitude
This past Saturday, September 21, 2019 was World Gratitude Day. I’m a couple days past acknowledging this, but gratitude isn’t reserved for simply this one day (and Thanksgiving). Gratitude is an incredibly important daily practice that can drastically improve life quality.
On Creating Your Own Luck
It’s Friday the 13th! The exclamation point is a happy exclamation point as I have a love affair with Friday the 13th. I don’t look at it as a day of bad luck at all. It’s more like an interlude between Halloweens. Unfortunately without the costumes, candy, and parties, but I still enjoy the mysterious and unexplainable and some good ol’ fashioned getting the crap scared out of me.
On All the Small Things: An Ode to My Family and the Midwest
On Being a Grownup
Gratitude is an Attitude
I know Thanksgiving is over (and that it can be a controversial holiday), but I’m still thinking about gratitude (Also, please excuse the cheesy title. My inner Dr. Suess loves rhyming.).
Gratitude isn’t something I only think about during the giving of thanks. It’s often on my mind because I know it’s a good thing.