
On Loving Our Environment

A week long global climate strike has started today. It might seem odd to write about the environment on a therapist’s blog, but when it comes down to it our environment greatly influences our mental health and overall well-being. Also, I am an outdoor therapist so it makes sense. 

What to Do This Earth Day 2019

Of course, every day is technically earth day since we’re living on this spinning planet every single day, but since we human beings like celebrations Monday, April 22nd is officially Earth Day!

Last year I provided a guide to Los Angeles Earth Day celebrations since that’s where I live. A lot of this has changed (For example Grand Park already had their earth day celebration.) so here’s 2019’s updated guide, as well as some links to other city’s earth day celebrations.

California Voters Vote Yes on Prop 68 for more Green Space

Now, I don’t usually get political on here. There are many reasons for that. I’m a therapist. We’re supposed to be unbiased. Blah, blah, blah. Also, I can often see the many sides to things, which isn’t always so popular with the black and white thinkers out there. Or all that dramatic. Which I hear is good for the ratings. And I just haven’t. No promises for the future.

Every Day is Earth Day

While the official celebration of Earth Day has passed really every day is Earth Day. Each day we reside on a planet that is abundant in beauty and natural resources. We have the opportunity to appreciate that, which in turn enhances our life in infinite ways. However, with that also comes the responsibility to take care of that beauty.