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Total Eclipse of the Sun

Monday’s total (or partial depending on your geography) solar eclipse is kind of a big deal. Total solar eclipses don’t happen all the time. The last one was on July 22, 2009. And even with total solar eclipses, most of the time the total part is only seen in certain locations. The last total solar eclipse visible from anywhere in the United States was July 11, 1991.

So this rarity really gets the people’s juices going. Everyone’s buying their viewing glasses. Astrologists and their believers are getting ready for a massive shift by letting the old go and focusing on new beginnings. People are hiking up to the mountain tops. So of course, I must get in on this fun.

Here are five ways to celebrate what may be a massive cosmic event affecting us all greatly or simply a neato natural phenomenon to enjoy.

  1. Get Outdoors: Duh, you can’t really see it from inside. Look up the time of day it’s visible in your area (whether totally or partially) and leave the house or work or school or whatever. Take a break if you’re in the middle of something. Regardless of your beliefs around the phenomenon it’s totally cool to see unique natural events and to share it with the masses. It creates connection to both the earth and others around us. As a side note if you are going to get in on the viewing get some of those cool glasses to keep your peepers safe.

  2. Party on Wayne. It’s still summertime folks and yes it’s a work/school day but what an excuse to say the heck with it and give into your case of the Mondays. Many community gathering places are holding viewing parties. Or host your own with family and friends. I can think of a million cheesy games, foods, and drinks you could come up with.

  3. Get knowledge. If you’re feeling any guilt around skipping Monday’s responsibilities to there’s nothing like learning a little something to ease that. You could make a pinhole camera or simply learn more about what really goes on when our daylight disappears.  

  4. Make your escape. If you absolutely can’t play hooky then try to take a break during the time of the eclipse and check it out with some co-workers. Guaranteed most schools will use this as a teaching moment but you can never be sure with the work places. So sneak away. It’ll only last the amount of time it takes to use the bathroom anyway. No one will even know you’re gone.

  5. Engage in a ritual: Whether you believe there’s special power in natural phenomenons or not it can’t hurt to have a little fun with it. Meditate and set positive intentions to move forward. Charge up your crystals. Do a solar eclipse dance (I don’t know, maybe that exists). Or whatever your heart desires. It isn’t necessarily about the exact ritual but rather connecting with yourself, others, and the universe.

Happy (and safe) viewing of the vanished sun my friends!