mindfulness of thoughts

Mindful Monday: Complaining

I hate to admit it, but sometimes I can be a world class complainer. Mostly in my head. But it’s still complaining even if I don’t say it outloud. Which is something I definitely do as well. 

Far more than I’d like. Often without thinking. 

Mindful Monday: Thoughts

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about thinking. Which might not be the best idea since thinking can get us into a lot of trouble.

I just can’t help it. I work a lot with thoughts. That’s a major part of being a therapist (Besides the emotions, which I know y’all can’t get enough of.). “Tell me what you think about that,” “Are there any other ways to look at that,” “How can you reframe that?” The more I work with thoughts (Mine and those shared with me.), the more I question our relationship with them.